Top 3 Attributes of High-Quality Content Writing

Writing high-quality content is an art form that businesses and agencies can leverage to boost SEO, build brand recognition, and increase their conversion rate. 

That being said, it’s not always easy to create high-quality content writing month by month, and that’s why we’ve gathered the 3 top attributes that should always be present in any content writing materials to help you define your strategy moving on. Let’s take a look at them.

It’s Readable And Engaging

High-quality content writing uses headlines and meta descriptions that make the reader want to click on your content from search results. Once a reader clicks on it, your intro paragraph should compel them to read until the end.

A high-quality meta description should be 155 characters or less and immediately show users the value of your content.

Image Source: Hubspot

According to Nielson Normal Group, 57% of readers click away without scrolling, and the percentage decreases with every additional screenful of content. To avoid this, your content should display value within the first paragraph by answering the question and giving the reader what they came for.

Image Source: Neilson Norman Group

Moreover, great content writing is written by humans, for humans, and uses simple language the audience will understand and connect with. It should also be presented as short paragraphs of concise, digestible information with no fluff. 

Presenting information in a concise format engages the reader and makes them more likely to read through your full article. Providing a table of contents also shows the reader what they are going to find, much like timestamps in a Youtube Video, allowing them to navigate your content more easily

It’s Easy To Find

Using keywords in the right places is essential for SEO as it provides search engines like Google with the necessary information to serve your content to the right audience.

Headlines and subheadings are the obvious places to use keywords and should be presented in an informative or instructional format to answer the reader’s questions immediately, but keywords should also be used throughout your content

For example, the keywords for an article titled The Best Brownie Recipe might be brownie recipe. 

Your meta descriptions, tags, alt text, and URL should also be optimized for SEO, by making sure you’re including the right keywords in a natural way, avoiding keyword stuffing.

It’s Written In Your Brand’s Unique Voice

Writing in your brand’s voice is one of the most important rules of high-quality content writing. Your content should be consistent across every platform and display your brand’s identity and core values.

Great content writing builds and reaffirms your brand’s personality.

Also, remember to keep your audience in mind when writing to gain trust and encourage them to follow through on your call to action. You want to attract, help, and empower them, instead of forcing them.

A great writer knows what the reader wants. So if your reader is looking for tips, your content should reflect that by answering the questions users are asking. High-quality content acts as a guide for the reader and takes them from the beginning of their challenge or issue to the solution to their problem.

Some tips to keep in mind when planning your content: 

  1. Tell a story by acknowledging the reader’s question and then deliver the answer.
  2. Use relevant images to create breaks between subheadings to make your content more visually appealing.
  3. Show your authority over topics by providing personal examples wherever they may be relevant.

Key Takeaways

  1. High-quality content prioritizes the reader’s experience and it hooks and compels your audience to read to the end.
  2. Headlines and subheadings aren’t the only on-page SEO factors that should be optimized. Your content, meta descriptions, tags, and URL should also include the right keywords.
  3. Keywords should be used in a natural way throughout your content to boost search rankings. 
  4. Your content should be written in your brand’s unique voice to set you apart from your competitors.

Need Help With Your Content Writing? 

WriterArmy has been serving businesses and agencies with high-quality content for over 10 years. Our team includes expert writers from over 50 different industries to pair you with the perfect writer to help your business grow by increasing your lead generation rate. Contact us today for a free quote.

Categories: Content Writing