How to Use Semicolons and Colons: The Complete Guide for Engaging Writing

How to Use Semicolons and Colons: The Complete Guide for Engaging Writing

English grammar can be complicated, but having a good grasp of grammar rules can take your writing skills from good to great. Varying your punctuation and sentence structure is a good way to keep your reader interested and ensure your information is coming across in the clearest way possible. One of the major confusions about…

How to Improve Your Copywriting Skills: 5 Books to Start

How to Improve Your Copywriting Skills: 5 Books to Start

Wondering how to improve your copywriting skills is a natural curiosity of all writers. If you’re in the world of copywriting already or are thinking of starting a career as a copywriter, you’re not alone. This line of work is expanding rapidly, including freelance copywriters, writers working with agencies, and writers starting their own businesses….

Unique Pros and Cons of WriterArmy Versus a Freelance SaaS Copywriter

Unique Pros and Cons of WriterArmy Versus a Freelance SaaS Copywriter

SaaS copywriters are an essential part of modern-day digital success. They provide all the written content seen on websites, blogs, products, newsletters, cold emails, and so much more. But how do you find the best copywriters for your business? There are so many different options you can choose from between copywriting services, content platforms, in-house…