6 Must-Know Crypto Marketing Statistics
It’s no secret that cryptocurrency has exploded over the past 24 months, and it’s no surprise. The need for decentralized currency and the coming explosion in peer-to-peer information-sharing technologies have driven the movement. That’s why it is very important to understand crypto marketing statistics to master the crypto marketing industry.
According to Statista, the number of verified worldwide cryptocurrency users reached 295 million in 2021, and shows no signs of slowing down. Cryptocurrency is here to stay and that’s no longer a question, it’s a fact.
That brings us to why we are here: how and why should businesses utilize the crypto-market statistics to reach their target-audience, anticipate growth, and better understand what the future holds for a business?
Let’s take a look at the 6 Must-Know Crypto Marketing Statistics.
- What Is Cryptocurrency, and Why Are We Investing?
Let’s dive in to crypto marketing statistics. What started out as a trendy topic has become a legitimate investment strategy, and if you still doubt that, just look to the billionaire investors of Shark Tank like Mark Cuban or Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary for confirmation.
In recent years, the demand for cashless transactions has driven the average person to invest into the cryptocurrency market and left the billionaire investors and big banks to play catchup.
The primary driver for this trend is constant technology and digital investments. More countries than ever are using digital currency as one of their primary financial exchanges.
For example: Venezuela has adopted cryptocurrency as a method of solving their economic crisis.
Cryptocurrency is built on what is known as Blockchain Technology, a secure way to process online transactions, share sensitive information, and create a discreet system that protects stakeholders from watchful eyes.
All of this to say, Cryptocurrency has become one of the most attractive options for high-profile investors.
- Bitcoin’s Social Media Presence
Bitcoin is the driving force of the cryptocurrency market, and due to its explosion in popularity, over 28,000 social media posts referring to Bitcoin are made every day.
Social media platforms influences what people buy, what investors choose, and allows the uninformed to connect with experts on any chosen topic.
The effect social media has had on cryptocurrency is staggering. Conversation always leads to awareness, and due to the never-ending conversation regarding cryptocurrency, the market is constantly expanding with new investors every single day.
- Over 300 Cryptocurrency Exchanges in 2020
Much like the mainstream Stock Exchange, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies through encrypted transactions.
A cryptocurrency exchange happens between a buyer and a seller to determine whether transactions will be completed as a crypto-to-crypto transaction.
The blockchain technology supported by cryptocurrency allows for these encrypted transactions to take place, and the development of this technology is how various technology companies encourage the purchase of their own branded coins to take place.
Even as the majority of governments in the first-world have began to regulate and tax cryptocurrency transactions, the secure payment options for buyers and sellers remains a lucrative practice, and investors are sure to hold their positions in the market.
- Cryptocurrency ATMs Are Appearing Around The World
The popularity of cryptocurrency has opened up a new way for new investors to join the cryptocurrency market. One of those creative methods is through the creation of cryptocurrency ATMs.
These atms allow investors to purchase various cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, by debit card or cash, and this technology has allowed users of any age to enter the market.
According to Statista, the number of ATMs around the world reached 15,000 in 2021, and this business shows no signs of slowing down.
- The Never Ending Cost Paid of Blockchain Technology
The Cost Paid for Blockchain Technology is estimated to reach 19 billion by 2024 around the world.
The security maintained by cryptocurrencies has businesses and investors all over the world investing into the market, and according to Statista, that number will never stop growing.
- The Younger Generation
Data speaks for itself, and according to Data Reportal, 9.5% of females and 15% of males between the ages of 25 and 34 own cryptocurrency, compared to 3.5% of females and 5.6% of males between the ages of 55 and 64.
Why is that?
The younger generations understand the true value of digital technologies, and this understanding helps drive conversation, and thus encourages young people to enter the cryptocurrency market.
Investing can be intimidating, the stock market is convoluted and oversatured by billion-dollar hedge funds owned by the big banks; however, cryptocurrency appeared as a grass-roots movement, and young people ate it up.
We will soon live in an almost completely digital world, and young people are poised to take over when that idea becomes reality.
For the first time in history, the big banks do not hold all of the cards, and the ultrarich are the ones playing catchup.
Cryptocurrency is here to stay, and the rapid growth should entice everyone to get involved.
How WriterArmy Can Handle The Growth
Having a team on your side that knows how to handle the marketing for your business in the digital age is essential for your growth in success.
Creating an internal team takes time and money, all of which detracts from the daily operations of your business as you attempt to find the right employees for the job, but what if you could outsource every bit of that content and purchase expertise?
Whether you need content writing from experienced writers that understand how to handle all of your crypto needs or SEO optimization to bring more traffic to your website, WriterArmy can help.
We curate experts in almost every industry, and we are ready to help guide you through your entry into the fast-growing crypto marketing industry, while our copywriters take on all of the stress on your behalf.
Ready to take the next step in the right direction? Let’s Talk!