how content marketing drives sales

How Effective Content Marketing Drives Sales

For many small businesses, sales are the ultimate benchmark of success. That’s why advertising and marketing are such huge businesses in and of themselves. When it comes to marketing, there are lots of different ways that you might try to get new customers in the door. Over the past few years, content marketing has become one of the most important avenues for small companies to attract conversions. If you haven’t yet pursued a content marketing strategy, read on to discover how content marketing drives sales and why it’s worth your time to pursue.

Crafting Unique Buyer Experiences

These days, buyers know when you’re not being genuine. Providing the same content to every single customer simply isn’t an effective strategy, as not every piece of content will appeal to every individual. But content marketing makes it easy to ensure every visitor to your website will have a unique and customized experience. 

Content personalization involves customizing your content to reach audiences depending on their specific demographic information and behavioral data. By focusing in on different topics, you have the best chance of providing customers with the exact content they’re looking for, helping potential buyers feel that they’re truly being cared for. 

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Addresses Users’ Pain Points

No marketing strategy can be successful if you’re not addressing the pain points of your audience. After all, if your product or service is not solving a problem for people, why would they buy it? Using content marketing can help you easily address and start to solve users’ pain points. 

You can help your users solve their problems with content marketing in a number of ways. Your company might consider making a quick instructional video on how to use your product, or you may produce an informational blog post talking about the unique features of your offerings. By speaking specifically to pain points your users are experiencing, they are more likely to feel a genuine connection with your business.

Establishing Your Industry Authority

When users are considering a company to purchase from, they want reassurance that you truly know what you’re talking about. Even if you operate in an extremely competitive field, you can use content marketing to prove that you’re an authority in your niche. If you’re wondering how content marketing drives sales, this is one of the most effective avenues.

Your business might consider using content marketing to highlight various honors and achievements that you have reached, proving that others in the industry recognize your talents and expertise. You can also create content delving into specific aspects of your industry or trending topics in your niche, providing both evergreen and time-sensitive content to prove that you know all the ins and outs of the business.

Improving Brand Awareness with Content Marketing

If you’re trying to increase sales, you need more people to know about your business. After all, how can you sell anything if customers don’t even know you’re there? While regular advertisements can be a good way to improve your brand awareness, content marketing helps you achieve the same goal while taking the advantage of word-of-mouth marketing as well.

Let’s say that you produce an in-depth blog post about a specific topic in your industry. If a user reads your blog post and finds great value in it, they may be tempted to share it with their friends on social media. Just like that, you’ve reached a whole new segment of your potential audience without having to do any extra marketing work.

Increasing Buyer Engagement

Content marketing is also great for increasing buyer engagement. In the past, customers may have been fine purchasing from companies who didn’t try to form personal relationships with their buyers. However, today, customers are craving a more customized, one-on-one experience.

Increase buyer engagement can be as simple as encouraging buyers to comment on one of your social media posts. Just be sure that you comment back to them to keep the conversation going! To take it a step further, you may consider producing interactive content such as quizzes, calculators, or assessments. By helping your potential customers truly engaged with your brand, you’ll be helping your company name to stick in their head the next time they look to make a purchase.


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Attracting Relevant Prospects with Content Marketing

Finally, content marketing can help drive sales by bringing the right potential customers to your doorstep. You already know that not every single person on the Internet will be the right fit for your business. But with typical marketing, you’re often throwing ads out to anyone who logs onto the computer, meaning that much of your efforts are being wasted on people who don’t fit your target demographic.

However, you can easily shape your content marketing strategy to appeal to the prospects who are the most promising. Integrating specific SEO keywords or posting on specific social media channels can help you narrow down your audience and only appeal to those who are most likely to purchase from you. In this way, you’ll get a greater return on your investment since you won’t be spending time trying to market to anyone and everyone.

Working with WriterArmy

Now that you have a few ideas of how content marketing drives sales, it’s time to tailor your strategy to help you reach your specific goals. But perhaps you don’t know where to start with outlining your content marketing strategy, or maybe you need help producing the content itself. Either way, WriterArmy is here for you.

At WriterArmy, we have more than a decade of experience in the content marketing industry, having received numerous awards and recognitions as one of the top content marketing agencies in the Seattle area. We’ve worked with businesses from around the world to tailor their content marketing strategies and produce blog posts, social media content, website content, and more. Best of all, we work directly with you to understand your unique goals and personalize a strategy to help you meet them.

For more information about WriterArmy’s content creation and content marketing services, contact us today!

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