how often should you blog

How Often Should You Be Blog for Your Business?

Maintaining a blog is an incredibly important part of any marketing strategy. It draws attention to your services and increases brand awareness. Blogging is a means of sharing your expertise in your field and helps you build a loyal customer base.

Quality content and SEO optimization are crucial to blogging success. However, once you have planned these aspects of your marketing strategy, the question remains: How often should you post? Turning out great content is a lot of work, and no business wants to overreach. Yet to make blogging profitable, a business needs to constantly generate new. How to achieve the perfect balance?

Find the “Why” for Your Blog

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The quantity of your posts depends on several factors. For one, you should ask yourself: What is the purpose of blogging?

If you are primarily interested in raising traffic numbers, and drawing visitors to your site, then you do want to post as frequently as possible. This could mean every day if you have the capacity to create content at such a speed without sacrificing content.

Create a Content Strategy

With smaller teams and fewer resources, it is possible to create a steady stream of content. However, this requires significant coordination, including planning for posts in tandem and outlining your blog content beforehand. Before even starting to write, creating a list of topics that would be beneficial to your audience is a significant place to start; you may include how-tos, campaign round-ups, and listicles.

Alternatively, instead of generating an entire calendar of new content, you can easily give your traffic numbers a little “boost” by editing or updating existing content. Often, information is made obsolete quite quickly, so it doesn’t hurt your own reputation to go back and revise any articles you’ve written previously, making slight changes to anything which hasn’t aged well. These pieces then can be reposted without the hassle of creating entirely new content!

If your goal is to build your brand rather than increase traffic, then quantity is not as important as quality. How often you blog is really dependent on how readily you can provide diverse content that highlights your brand and defines it. Every post should tell the audience a bit about who you are.

In this case, blogs can be posted once a week or so. This gives you time to plan and do research. A well-thought-out blog can be just as effective (or even more effective) than rapid posting.

Ultimately, how often you post is up to you. It is a decision that should be made based on your objectives and your own resources. Size matters. If you are a small company, don’t stretch your resources too thin by producing low-quality daily content. If you are a larger company with the manpower to post every day, that might be the best decision for you!

Get Blogging Help from WriterArmy

Fortunately, if you need help producing your content, WriterArmy provides skilled blog writers, who are experienced with a wide range of topics and industries. We can help provide topics and coordinate your marketing strategy. Get started by requesting a consultation and free quote today!

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