SEO content writing

What is the difference between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting?

There’s no question that, in today’s content-focused world, SEO is extremely important. After all, a hefty 71% of site visits come from the first page of Google, and the second page gets around 6%. Sure, we can buy paid search packages, and we should. But those packages don’t provide us with everything we need. Instead, you need the right type of writer.

For purposes of this discussion, we’ll look at the differences between SEO content writing and copywriting. Then, we’ll consider how to apply this information in our marketing departments. By the end of this article, you’ll understand more about what each discipline has to offer.

What is SEO content writing?

seo content writing
Source: Neil Patel

Most of us hire freelancers or communications employees without truly understanding the differences between content writing and copywriting. While many competent writers can create both content types, they’re often better at one over the other. Unfortunately, hiring the wrong writer type means that you may miss out on the best results.

Generally speaking, SEO content is what you produce to drive people onto your site and keep them browsing. There are several types of this writing, but one of the biggest is articles or blog posts. These typically cover industry topics, such as the quest for green energy. If your company sells an electric vehicle battery, for instance, you might highlight some car industry news.

An SEO content writer generally tries to make website content interesting in different ways. For instance, they might create a guide to choosing the right shampoo for your hair on behalf of a soap company. To do so, they’ll likely include information on how to determine your hair type and what ingredients to look for. Finally, SEO content writing will mention what is available from the sponsoring brand, as appropriate.

Overall, the approach with SEO content writing is to educate readers.

What is SEO copywriting?

Getting people to visit your website and stay there is a challenge. In an e-commerce environment, there’s a good chance that the potential customer will compare shops. On the other hand, B2B sellers must convince decision makers that their products meet the client company’s needs and represent a good value.

Even with copy that’s written for people who are already on a website, SEO copywriting must still work towards converting leads into customers. The copy can take almost any shape, from tutorials to whitepapers, that convinces people to buy. The copy itself doesn’t need to be overtly salesy, but the intent to sell something is always present.

Another great way to use SEO copywriting is with lead generation. Although content marketing does generate leads, copywriting is much better at this. That’s because the writer often promises something to sales prospects in exchange for their contact information. In the marketing field, we call that content type a lead magnet.

Which type of SEO does my business need?

In most cases, both. While you won’t necessarily post both types every week, both are critical to driving sales through your website. Look at it this way: if you’re window shopping, and you see something that you like (or need), will you drop in? Chances are that you will. But if the item is too expensive or turns out not to be as enticing, you’ll likely leave without it. SEO content writing is like finding the item you’re interested in, while SEO content writing is like getting the right deal. Both made the sale happen.

Need words on your web pages? We can help

Now that you understand the differences between content and copy, it’s easy to wonder how you’ll get both of them written efficiently. The good news is that you don’t have to sweat it. Here at WriterArmy, we have everything you need to boost site visibility, draw traffic, and turn it into business. Our expert team of strategists will help you create the parameters. Then, our project managers will entrust the writing to our highly skilled team of experts.

Reach out today for more information.

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