how to repurpose content

Learn How to Repurpose Content in These 5 Innovative Ways

When it comes to perfecting your content marketing strategy, one of the most important factors is consistency. But you might find that you don’t have the time to be pumping out brand-new content every single day. Luckily, you don’t have to. Repurposing your older content can be a great way to keep your posting schedule consistent and keep your audience engaged. Not sure how to repurpose content? We’ve got five unique suggestions to get you started. 

Why Should You Repurpose Content?

Repurposing content can be a huge benefit in your overall strategy. First, it can save you tons of time. While you would otherwise have to spend hours brainstorming, researching, and creating new content, you can now take a fraction of that time to rework an older piece. 

Content repurposing is also great for bringing a breath of fresh air to an evergreen topic. Maybe you have an older piece of content with great information that’s simply not getting as much traffic just because it’s old. Repurposing its information keeps your audience informed without giving you too much extra work. 

Finally, repurposing content can help you reach new audiences. If a potential audience member didn’t get to you through a blog post, for instance, they might discover you through a video. Gaining new audience segments this way can be much easier and more affordable than traditional marketing methods. 

1. Turn Blogs into Infographics

Blog posts can be intimidating for some, since they’re often greeted by a huge wall of text. An infographic, however, can be much more approachable. The research backs up this thought: infographics are 30 times more likely to be read in their entirety over text articles! The visual element here tends to be much more effective and memorable than text on its own.

Repurpose Content

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This method works particularly well for blog posts that have lots of statistics, since they can be easily grouped into an infographic. You can then share your new infographic on your website and on social media to stir up some engagement.

2. Use Testimonials for Social Media Posts

Looking for something short and snappy to share on social media? Testimonials can work wonders. Not only are you helping to promote your business, but you’re sharing what real customers think instead of simply blowing your own horn. 

You can take this same approach with quotes from thought leaders in your industry. Do you already bring in thought leaders to contribute to your web content or blog posts? Extract some quotes from these figures to share on social media. You’ll be sharing valuable insights and reaching new segments of the community. 

3. Group Information into an eBook

If you have several blog posts or other pieces of content on one topic, consider grouping this information together into an eBook. Many businesses wonder how to repurpose content in a way that’s more in-depth and educational, and this is a great option. You can even take the opportunity to expand upon a subject you’ve touched on in the past, and since you’re repurposing content, you’ve already got a head start.

Creating an eBook is also an amazing way to gain more leads. It’s common for businesses to put their eBooks behind a contact wall and require users to enter their email addresses before accessing the book. You don’t have to charge for your new content, but you’re still providing valuable information while also expanding your email list.

4. Use Your Data for a Case Study

Want to highlight a specific client you’ve worked with? Or have you done some research on your industry and want to share it in an approachable way? Consider a case study. You can take the data you’ve already collected and share it in a blog post or infographic. You can even link to a case study in your email signature, as pictured below: 

Repurpose Content

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Creating a case study is an excellent way to show your audience that you know how to collect and interpret data. It shows that you go beyond the surface level research and dig deep to the root of their pain points. Most importantly, it can help establish your position as an industry authority. 

5. Transform Blogs into Videos

We already touched on how visual information is often favorable to simple text, but that message goes even further in videos. 85% of users say they enjoy video content, so if you’re not already creating them, you could be missing out on a huge new audience. 

Repurposing blog posts into videos is an easy way to offer new visual content to your audience. You can then share those videos on your website and all over social media. Your video doesn’t have to be long or shot on an expensive camera; even a quick sit-down video with a couple interesting graphics can do the trick.

If you’ve been wondering how to repurpose content, hopefully you’ve gotten some inspiration here. Still need help finalizing or executing your content marketing strategy? The experienced team at WriterArmy can help. Contact us today for a free quote on any of our content marketing or content creation services!

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