LinkedIn lead gen forms

How to Use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Properly in 2023

LinkedIn has become the most popular platform for B2B lead generation, and data shows that 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn gen forms, so today we’re going to discuss what LinkedIn lead gen forms are, why they are effective for lead generation, and go over five tips to make the most of them.

What Are LinkedIn Gen Forms?

LinkedIn gen forms are tools that can be incorporated into your LinkedIn ads to encourage interaction through your calls to action without sending people to a landing page. This tool fill in the users’ contact information from their profiles automatically, which reduces the effort required to request more information about your business, service or product. 

Keep in mind that these forms are specifically designed for mobile usage, and with 57% of LinkedIn’s user base coming to the platform through the mobile app, and with the average time spent on social media posts decreasing, LinkedIn lead generation can be expanded to a wider audience.

How to Create a LinkedIn Gen Form

To create a LinkedIn gen form, access your page admin view, click on campaign manager, select assets, and lead gen forms. You will see a screen that allows you to begin creating your form.

LinkedIn lead gen forms
Image Source: leadsbridge

The next step is to title your form, select your language, write your headline, and provide a link to your website’s privacy policy, which is required by LinkedIn to create lead gen forms. You may also fill in offer details, but this is not required.

LinkedIn lead gen forms
Image Source: leadsbridge

The next step is to specify the information you want to collect from users who click on your post. This can include their name, email address, phone number, or even further details such as their industry and demographics.

LinkedIn lead gen forms
Image Source: leadsbridge

The final step is to confirm your ad by writing a thank you message, adding your landing page URL, and selecting a call-to-action. Once you are finished with these steps, click agree and create, and you’re done!

Now let’s look at five tips to maximize your LinkedIn lead generation using lead gen forms.

1. Use Images and Videos In Your Ads

LinkedIn lead gen forms allow you to format your ads as a single image, a carousel image, a message, or as a video.

Visual content is more engaging, and by using both in your ads you will maximize the number of users that stop to view your content. 

Avoid using stock images that will not seem relevant to your ad, or that users will have seen before. Instead, create unique graphics and videos to better connect with your audience. 

2. Connect Your Lead Gen Forms To Your CRM

LinkedIn allows integration with several popular CRMs, and you can use a tool like Zapier to use your current CRM if it is not directly supported. 

If done correctly, your team will be able to utilize LinkedIn lead generation to convert instead of spending their time entering new leads into your CRM.

3. Use Cost-Per-Click Bids 

Rather than using automated bids under your budgeting tab, LinkedIn allows advertisers to pay per click. 

After you have set your budget, change your bid to cost-per-click and set your bid amount to the lowest possible amount LinkedIn will allow. This means your budget will only be spent on users that interact with your ad, which will maximize your ad’s effectiveness for your LinkedIn lead generation.

LinkedIn lead gen forms
Image Source: social media examiner

4. Be Strategic With Your Headings

Strategic headings can maximize your LinkedIn lead generation by showing your audience why your ad is relevant and encouraging them to take action.

Placing your call-to-action in the heading of your post will tell your audience why they should click on your ad and decrease the friction required to convince them to submit your lead gen form. 

5. Be Specific With Your Target Audience 

LinkedIn does not put a cap on your audience size range but that doesn’t mean you should pay to push your campaign to as many users as possible. 

Define your target audience before creating your ad, then provided LinkedIn with their demographic. This can include their industry, age, title, and location. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Use custom images and videos in your ads to increase engagement on your lead gen form.
  2. Link your LinkedIn lead gen form to your CRM to reduce the time your team must spend organizing new leads. 
  3. Be specific when creating your LinkedIn lead gen form. Tell LinkedIn who you want to target to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness. 

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