ai trends

AI Trends in Digital Marketing Worth Watching in 2023

For many years now, AI and the tools we’ve made with it have gotten more sophisticated. Originally, the tasks suitable for AI were relatively simple, such as playing games with a human opponent. These tasks were low-stakes and primarily a curiosity to the ordinary American. Later, AI got more sophisticated, and people could use it for routine tasks, such as proofreading a document. As this technology has gotten more sophisticated, experts continually monitor AI trends.

Let’s take a look at some of the latest AI trends in digital marketing,

Chatbots are “in”

If you’ve been browsing a lot of websites lately, chances are you’ve seen several chatbots. These are the little windows or icons that start sending you messages as soon as you visit the site. Other chatbots will let you open the bot and send it messages rather than trying to initiate contact.

Chatbots are popular for one reason: they work. If a customer needs to know something quickly, like where to find a specifications page or size chart, then they can get the information quickly. Often, these chatbots can replace both futile searches of your site and customer service calls. Plus, in both cases, the customer saves time.

However, this isn’t the only reason chatbots are awesome. You can also use them for lead generation and nurturing. An AI bot can help people order products or request more information, thereby increasing your conversion rates. It’s no wonder that chatbots are among the hottest AI trends. Best of all, you can give people the attention they deserve at a price you can afford.

Voice-based systems are increasingly popular

It seems like there’s a new Alexa skill all the time, and this is also true of other personal assistants. There’s a reason why they are popular: you can use one of these powerful AI tools easily. Furthermore, they’re everywhere, from phones and computers to smart speakers and other accessories.

While most people simply think of convenience, for marketers, they are an invaluable tool. That’s because some assistants like Alexa will recommend a particular product over another. In fact, if you want to order something common, Alexa typically has a default selection. Having your product become one of the defaults helps you leverage this and other AI trends.

Here’s another reason assistants are popular. If your electronics brand has “smart” products, then being compatible with one or more assistants can help boost sales. People prefer to buy things that work well together, and an AI assistant can help facilitate this.

Augmented reality

Some industries can significantly benefit from augmented reality techniques. For instance, people buying home furnishings, accessories, and large electronics can have trouble figuring out if something will fit and how it will look in a room. With augmented reality, you can help the customer choose the right items for their room. That’s because the customer will take a picture of their room, and the AI will show them the item in its intended place. So, if you sell items that can be harder to place in a room (or you want to demonstrate it’s cool), then this is an effective AI content marketing method.

Predictive analysis

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Image Source: Statista

Another of the hot AI trends this year is predictive analysis. In a nutshell, this technique tries to predict what customers will do in certain situations. The AI program will make predictions based on the large amounts of data that your website and other sources gather every day. These predictions can help you with actionable insights to edge out the competition or avoid pitfalls.

Let’s look at an example. Most brands have a target market, but some are more laser-focused on the target than others. With predictive analysis, a company can find opportunities that are just outside their target market, or they might discover that the target needs to be adjusted. Analytics by themselves do help with this, but sometimes the “machine brain” of an AI tool can help people think outside the box.


One of the longest-running AI trends is using intelligent machines to do repetitive tasks. For instance, AI can help you create personalized e-mail campaigns. It can also help you determine when to post your social media content or even analyze the results of your latest campaign. To leverage this trend, you’ll first need the right software. Then, you can set the parameters for your AI to follow, and let it work magic.

AI content marketing

One of the biggest AI trends this year is the increasing use of AI content marketing. In this case, we’re talking about more than just automated posting. Rather, newer AI programs can create content for your campaigns almost from scratch. This content creation can include pictures, videos, and even web copy. And while AI-based content used to be artificial at best, nowadays, some content is indistinguishable from its human-generated equivalents.

Despite the drawbacks (and controversy), there are many advantages to this approach. In particular, you’ll spend less staff time and money compared to doing everything by hand. You’ll also get something that’s better tailored to your audience.

How to use AI without the learning curve

Naturally, it takes time to learn how to use AI, and in the meantime, your company can be behind in adopting AI content marketing. Luckily, there’s an easy solution. At WriterArmy, we have a new content creation service for blog posts. We use a combination of AI writing and a human editor. Not only does a human minimize errors, but they help make sure your content is original, unique, and readable. It’s a nice way to make the best of these AI trends. If you’re ready to step into the future, contact us for information on this new service.

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